Zenphoto theme | Paradigm (v2.0)

Zenphoto Theme Paradigm 2.0

A new version of Paradigm theme for Zenphoto CMS is released to address recent changes, introduced prior to official release of Zenphoto 1.6.3 on June 4, 2024.

In May I’ve managed to add past releases of Paradigm to Github and from now on plan to use that repository for code and versioning management. Github will allow me to frequently update theme with fixes, accept code contributions and make introduction of new features much faster. Major releases will still be announced on this blog and I’ll keep pages for official instructions, history of changes and release packages here too.

Paradigm gets a version bump to 2.0, as I should have done it for v1.6 due to breaking changes to Options. Number of changes is less impressive, but some are quite significant and forced me to rewrite all code once again.

I’ve added support for Multiple Layouts plugin with 1 alternative layout for Albums (more to follow) and FlickrFeed (make sure to update your version to the newest one, as previous won’t work due to changes on Flickr). Featured Images plugin is now included in official Zenphoto package and adds several functions, which were utilised by this version of Paradigm.

To protect custom user flies during updates and to speed up load times by eliminating 404 responses for unused custom CSS file – I’ve moved custom Logo and custom CSS into ‘uploaded/design’ directory and enabled selection of those files in Options. Another new Option is an ability to choose custom Preview image for OpenGraph/Twitter Cards in the Options from files in the same ‘uploaded/design’ directory.

Another massive change – support for full theme localisation (I really hope I found ALL text strings that needed translation)!
I’ve added Russian translation as well, to get the ball rolling.

Bug reports and features suggestions are welcome (and you can submit them via Github too).

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